Top 5 Subscriptions For Father’s Day

Yup, it is right around the corner and you haven’t found anything yet. This is the man who changed your diapers at 3am, taught you to ride a bike, and pretended not to notice that you were still/already drunk when you showed up for brunch. The man deserves a little thanks; subscriptions are great ideas. They’re usually small, fun, and they keep coming all year long. But don’t get him a dull subscription to a magazine that he will never actually read. Here’s our list of top 5 subscriptions to get for your dad this Father’s Day.
Number 5
If your dad is into golfing check out Golfers lose their balls all the time, so get him a subscription that will send him new ones regularly. It’ll make his life easier and he’ll be thinking about you when he is enjoying himself.
Number 4 sends boxes with super easy recipes along with the needed spices. At first, it may sound like something for your mom, but cooking is great fun and relaxing. The meals are amazing, so your dad will look like a pro. Plus it’ll give your mom a break, scoring both your dad and you points with her. Talk about two birds.
Numbers 3 & 2
Booze. Whether your dad is a beer or wine drinker there are several subscription services out there for him. They generally all have the same theme, for beer they’ll send him a new microbrew or craft beer each month. For wine it’s the same, new wine for him to discover each month.
Number 1
Sign him up to Razors have become way too expensive and your dad probably loathes having to get them, so you’ll save him money. More importantly, your dad most likely shaves almost every day, and shaving, along with his coffee, should be one of the nice parts of his morning; Bearded Colonel’s razors are top notch and bring back that classic shaving experience. From now on he’ll have you to thank for getting his day started right.