The Pink Tax: Women Also Pay More Than Men.

The pink tax is not a literal tax on pink things, the reality may be worse. Instead, products aimed at women often sell for as much as double the price of their male counterparts (even when nothing has changed except for a little pink dye). Don’t believe us? A Times investigation found that women pay on average 37% more for identical products.
From razors to deodorant and even children’s toys! Some of the big brands (such as certain razor companies) will claim that it’s because razors for women are different, more complicated, and more expensive to manufacture. That may seem believable at first; after all, a pair of legs has much more surface area than a face, so surely they must have to make the blades more robust, right?
Nope, that’s wrong. The technology used in razors for men and for women are the exact same. In both cases, the goal is to make a set of blades that are as sharp and with the longest lifespan possible. The only difference is the colour of dye put into the plastics in the handle. We decided to put this to the test.
We’ve got a great razor and a club with 1,000s of men singing our praises; if they’re happy surely women would be too? We got our razors into the hands of all of our female friends and then waited to see what they said. Sure enough, they loved it! And of course, they would, high-quality blades are high-quality blades whether their shaving legs or a face!
If you’re tired of being charged 37% more, give us a look. You’ll get a nice tin with you first delivery in which you can store the razors (no wasteful plastic cassettes). The razors always fit through your letterbox so you’ll always get them Plus with the extra bonus of regular deliveries, you don’t need to worry about forgetting to buy new ones; you’ll always have fresh blades, and for that your legs will thank you!